The 10th Mountain Div Pack
MM82 Patrolling The Gothic Line - North of San Marcello, Italy, 13 January 1945. Newly arrived American troops patrol in deep snow. 7.5 Turns.
MM83 Riva Ridge - Mount Cappel Buso, Riva Ridge, Italy, 18/19 January 1945. First major attack of the 10th Mountain in an exciting assault in difficult terrain. 7.5 Turns.
MM84 Mount Belvedere - Mount Belvedere, Italy, 19-20 February 1945. The Americans begin their attack at night against dug-in Germans on the Mount Belvedere – Mount della Torracia ridgeline. Part one of four interconnected scenarios. 9 Turns.
MM85 Hill 1088 - Mt. Belvedere - Mt. della Torraccia Ridgeline, 20 February 1945. The Americans continue their attack from Mount Belvedere toward Mount della Torraccia. Part two of four interconnected scenarios. 10 Turns.
MM86 Mount Della Torraccia - Mount della Torraccia, 24 February 1945. The Americans make their final, successful assault against Mount della Torraccia. Part three of four interconnected scenarios. 9 Turns.
MM87 Gebirsjäger & Mountaineers - Mount della Torraccia, 24-25 February 1945. British paratroopers rush to defend crucial defensive positions around their landing zones from a rapid German response. 9 Turns.
MM88 A Medal For G Company - North of Monte della Spe, Italy, 14 April 1945. The Americans are attacking in this scenario where the division won its only Medal of Honor in WW2. 6 Turns.
MM89 Task Force Darby - Villafranca Airport, Italy, 24 April 1945. American 10th Mountain Troops are racing north toward the Alps, mopping up German stragglers in one of the last offensives of WW2. 6 Turns.