
Our Rules

General Rules

  • Respect our Game Area and our property
  • Respect other people and their property
  • Family Atmosphere!! No rude or obnoxious behavior please!
  • No Customer to Customer sales!
  • No Profanity or Bullying!
  • No Electric Cigarettes, Drugs or Alcohol!
  • No Weapons! All criminal activity will be reported to the local authorities!
  • No can drinks please!
  • Please report any food or drink spills
  • Pay for items before taking into Game Area
  • Please clean up after yourself
  • Terrain is available for all and is first come first serve (except during planned events)
  • Please return terrain when finished
  • Game tables are first come first serve (except during planned events)
  • Parents are responsible for their children’s behavior
  • Please be mindful of store hours when beginning a lengthy game
  • Have fun!!!

Event Rules & Reminders

  • Please be sure to complete your result slip correctly and sign it before turning it in! If you sign it, that means you agree with what it says!
  • If you are planning to drop, please do so on your result slip; if you forget to inform us and you leave, you will take the loss for the next Round!
  • Please clean up after yourself!
  • Please keep all your stuff with you rather than leaving it spread out on other unoccupied tables. We need to keep other tables not being used in the Event open for other Gamers who wish to play!
  • We do not store items up front or in the back for Customers because we don’t want to be responsible for your items. If you can’t keep up with it, please take it to your car!

Important Notice:

Events with prize support provided by Wizards of the Coast are not eligible for Store Gift Certificates in place of prizes!
All prizes for these Events will be issued in the form of booster packs!!